montrealex (montrealex) wrote,


Фотки Терри О Нила, которых пока никто не видел.

Если вы перейдёте по ссылке внизу, то увидите Дэвида Боуи с Элизабет Тэйлор и много чего ещё

Ссылка тут. или целиком блог

A selection of rare and previously unseen images taken by British photographer Terry O'Neill are set to go on display in London in September, including one of the German actress Marlene Dietrich walking on stage in London in 1975

Thirteen rare vintage photographs from Terry's collection will go on display at London's Zebra One Gallery, including one of Elton John kissing  Davey Johnstone's guitar during his show at the Dodger Stadium in Los Angeles, October 1975

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