montrealex (montrealex) wrote,


Гы! Ежли кто сумлевался, что БЛМ - хулиганы и грабят своих чорных, смотрите на это.

Дама думала, что защитит свой бизнес, написав на нём, что им владеет чорная и что она скорбит об откинувшемся от передоза наркомане Флойде. Не Пинк Флойде.

Scurry (pictured outside her store) quit her job, empty her savings account, max out her credit cards and even sell her home to open the business

Её собратьям понадобилось меньше минуты, чтобы разграбить лавчонку.

La'Vanter Boutique (pictured) in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, was looted on Tuesday night as the city responded to the death of Walter Wallace Jr.

At least 20 people rushed inside La'Vanter Boutique after hours to steal clothing items and accessories on Tuesday

La'Vanter Boutique was in the midst of celebrating its two-year anniversary when it was damaged and cleared out

Owner Jameelah Scurry (pictured) said 'we are now in danger of losing everything we worked so hard for' after the looting

Pictured: La'Vanter Boutique after it was looted on Tuesday night

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