montrealex (montrealex) wrote,


Умеют британки с британцами оторваться в пандемию!

These lads were couped-up since October 14
Groups of pals made the most of Liverpool being in Tier 2 last night

Super Saturday got the better of some in York
Вчера в Йорке
Rowdy Londoners made the most of the first Saturday night out in Soho
Вчера в Сохо, Лондон.
Some people had a few too many after celebrating the first Saturday night out of lockdown
Ladies in Liverpool enjoyed themselves last night - while keeping safe with their face masks on
Вчера в Ливерпуле. Тепло там у них.
Special heated seating areas were set up in the English capital this evening


Tables filled up in Liverpool as the city celebrated the first weekend in Tier 2
Ливерпуль. С дороги, куриные ноги! Точнее окорочка. Слева. Да и справа тоже.

These ladies partied like it was 1999
These women dressed to the nines and took the town by storm last night
Things got heated on the streets of Liverpool on the first Saturday out of lockdown
Boozers drink late into the evening
This group of friends enjoyed the relaxed restrictions in York

Некоторые пострадали на предмет разбитой хари, но не унывают. Заветам Черчилля верны. Он им обещал кровь и пот.

But some clearly had far too much to drink during 'Stupor Saturday'

Супер суббота получила название "Ступор-субботы" (Stupor Saturday). В кутузку, однако, не забирают.

Police speak to partied out revellers in York as the clock struck midnight
Girls headed out and spent the first weekend out of lockdown in style
Two ladies found a more efficient way to get around after a boozy night on the town
Revellers in York were determined to enjoy themselves after weeks of lockdown 2
Liverpudlians let their hair down for the first time in six weeks

Вы знали, что по - английски ливерпульцев надо звать "ливерпуделями"?
Знайте теперь. Они - Liverpudlians
Many enjoyed outdoor seating areas as did these friends in London
Tags: Англия, Выпивка

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