Чувак недолго думая, полез в Вики и нашёл, кого из не его предков сбросить со школьного крыльца.
Главное, чтоб белыми были, а за что, всегда найдётся.
Историки в ахуе - их никто и не спросил.
А чувачок-ниспровергатель преподаёт... в первом классе.
Авторитет, чо.
Джеремая Джеффирс (Jeremiah Jeffires) кличут гения.
Заявил, что черпает вдохновение в родителях-мусульманах.
Школу имени Авраама Линкольна, единогласно считавшегося до того, как таким рожам, что выше дали власть, героем, отменившим рабство, переименуют теперь, само собой.
Абрам вертится в гробу, как вентилятор.
Кого ещё подвергнут остракизьму? Сенаторшу Диану Файнштейн.
Тедди Рузвельта - долой!
Пола Ревира - в жопу мешалкой!
Ну и вот вам все 44 скулы, которых переименуют. Под спойлером.
[ Список искромётного мудачества]
ABRAHAM LINCOLN: U.S. president targeted for his treatment of indigneous people, Abraham Lincoln High School.
GEORGE WASHINGTON: The first U.S. president and a slave owner, George Washington High School.
VASCO NUNEZ DE BALBOA: A Spanish explorer targeted by the board over colonization and abuses of indigenous people, Balboa High School.
MISSION DOLORES: The 7th mission founded by Spanish settlers in their quest to colonize and evangelize the native peoples of California, Mission High School.
JAMES R. LOWELL: While initially involved in the movement to abolish slavery, the poet's support wavered over the years, Lowell High School.
JAMES DENMAN: Founder of first S.F. school and first superintendent, a racist leader who denied Chinese students a public education, James Denman Middle School.
EDWARD EVERETT: An American statesman who a speech in 1826 in which he appeared to endorse slavery, despite his arguments that he rejected the slave trade and the act of kidnapping someone into slavery, Everett Middle School.
HERBERT HOOVER: U.S. president: African-American leaders condemned various aspects of the Hoover administration, including his unwillingness to push for a federal anti-lynching law, Herbert Hoover Middle School.
JAMES LICK: A land baron whose estate funded the controversial 'Early Days' statue depicting Native Americans in a demeaning manner, James Lick Middle School.
PRESIDIO: S.F. military post estalished in 1776 as Spain's northern-most outpost of colonial power, Presidio Middle School.
THEODORE OR F.D. ROSSEVELT: Both U.S. Presidents. Teddy Roosevelt held Racist attitudes toward Cubans, Puerto Ricans and Filipinos during the Spanish-American War; F.D received heavy criticism for his internment of Japanese Americans during the Second World War, Roosevelt Middle School.
HENRY WARE LAWTON: An officer in the U.S. Civil War, Lawton K-8
CLAIRE LILIENTHAL: A S.F. school board member, two school sites
PAUL REVERE: A Patriot in the American Revolution, Paul Revere K-8
ALAMO: A poplar tree or the site of Texas Revolution battle, Alamo Elementary
PEDRO DE ALVARADO: A conquistador, Alvarado Elementary,
EDWIN BRYANT: The author penned editorials supporting the anti-Catholic nativism movement and a series of racist attacks on Vice President Richard Mentor Johnson for his black common law wife and two mixed race daughters, Bryan Elementary
EDWARD HYDE: The English politician and Earl of Clarendon, Clarendon Elementary Second Community and Japanese Bilingual Bicultural Program
EL DORADO: Mythical City of Gold, El Dorado Elementary
DIANNE FEINSTEIN: The US Senator replaced a Condererate Flag at City Hall while the Mayor of San Francisco in 1984, Dianne Feinstein Elementary
JAMES GARFIELD: US President, Garfield Elementary
WILLIAM HENRY GRATTAN : An Irish author regarded as controversial due to the inaccuracy of some of his work, Grattan Elementary
THOMAS JEFFERSON: U.S. president and a slave owner, Jefferson Elementary
FRANCIS SCOTT KEY: Composer of 'Star Spangled Banner', Francis Scott Key Elementary
FRANK MCCOPPIN: San Francisco Mayor, Frank McCoppin Elementary
WILLIAM MCKINLEY: US President, McKinley's expansionist policies are now widely viewed as racist toward indigenous people, McKinley Elementary
JAMES WILSON MARSHALL: Sawmill worker at Sutter's Mill, who reported the finding of gold at Coloma on the American River in California on January 24, 1848, sparking the California Gold Rush, Marshall Elementary
JAMES MONROE: US President and slave owner, Monroe Elementary
JOHN MUIR: The naturalist made comments that invoked racist stereotypes made toward black people, John Muir Elementary
JOSE ORTEGA: A Spanish colonizer, Jose Ortega Elementary
JOSE BERNARDO SANCHEZ: A Spanish missionary, Sanchez Elementary
JUNIPERO SERRA: Elementary, Spanish priest to be renamed due to colonization and abuses of indigenous people Serra Elementary
GEN. PHILIP SHERIDAN: A Union General in the American Civil War, Sheridan Elementary
GEN. WILLIAM TECUMSEH SHERMAN: Did not believe in equality between white and black people despiet being a genera in the Northern Army during the Civil War, Sherman Elementary
JOHN SLOAT: Navy officer and a colonizer who 'claimed/stole' California from Mexico, Commodore Sloat Elementary
ROBERT LOUIS STEVENSON: Author, Robert Louis Stevenson Elementary
ADOLPH SUTRO: S.F. mayor accused of discriminating against black people in the 19th century who wanted to visit the baths named after him, Sutro Elementary
DON ANTONIO DE ULLOA: Spanish General and the the first Spanish governor of Louisiana, Ulloa Elementary
DANIEL WEBSTER: U.S. Statesman who urged northerners to respect slavery in the South and to assist in the return of fugitive slaves to their owners, Daniel Webster Elementary
NORIEGA: Unclear, Noriega Early Education School
PRESIDIO: San Francisco Military Post formerly established by the Spanish, Presidio EES
ROBERT F STOCKTON: Navy Commodore who captured California during the Mexican–American War, Stockton EES
Вопрос, где они наберут столько чёрных-то, чтоб дать имена всем школам или будет по многу школ какого-нибуль Малькольма Икс, Мандулы и Мартина Лютера? Ну ещё Кассиуса Клея. Самое то.
В интересное время стали жить пендосики.
Ну и так далее.