montrealex (montrealex) wrote,


Байден объединил Америцу по самые помидоры.

A driver pulls a handgun on protesters after they broke his trucks lights on March 28, 2021 in Salem, Oregon

Сторонник Трампа направил пистолет на антифашиков после того, как они вандализировали его трак и прыснули в лицо "мейсом" во время митинга возле Капитолия штата Орегон.
На кадрах запечатлено, как демонстранты распыляют краску на лобовое стекло грузовика мужчины и разбивают задние фонари в Салеме в воскресенье.

Водитель, одетый в толстовку с американским флагом, вышел из своего автомобиля, когда он вступил в драку с отморозками, избивавшими его.

The protesters clashed with occupants of vehicles that had participated in an American flag-waving car caravan, despite law enforcement's efforts to to keep the groups separate
Затем на видео видно,как он достает пистолет и направляет его на протестующих антифашистов. Было слышно, как он кричит: "Отойди от меня".

Был жостко повязан, чо.

As police arrived, the man could be seen putting his gun into the back of his truck before putting his hands up and kneeling on the ground

The driver, who was wearing an American flag sweatshirt, was almost immediately apprehended by police who ordered him to drop to the ground and let go of his weapon

И уводит его старшина...

Marion County Sheriff's deputies and Oregon State Troopers arrest the driver who pulled a handgun on protesters after they broke his trucks lights

The video showed him pulling out his gun and pointing it at the anti-fascist protesters just seconds after appearing to be maced (above)

The man could be heard shouting 'Get away from me' soon after he pulled out his gun

A protester is nearly hit by a truck that drove through a crowd during an anti-fascist rally in Salem, Oregon

A car was hit with yellow paint as protesters and counter protesters clashed during an anti-fascist rally in Salem, Oregon, U.S., March 28

Антифа резвится

Protesters confront a Trump supporter on March 28, 2021 in Salem, Oregon. The protesters clashed with occupants of vehicles that had participated in an American flag-waving car caravan, despite law enforcements efforts to to keep the groups separate

The tense moment was one of many clashes between left-wing, anti-fascist demonstrators and right-wing protesters Sunday near the Oregon State Capitol grounds in Salem

Но арестуют их слегонца так

Several arrests were made, though authorities didn't immediately provide an exact figure

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Tags: Негры, Трамп

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