montrealex (montrealex) wrote,


Les loups sont entrés dans Paris. Волки позорные в Париже.

Тысячи демонстрантов сражались с полицией в Париже сегодня, когда по всей Франции прошли акции протеста против вакцинального паспорта.

Anti-vaxxers took to the streets of Paris today to protest against the virus passports that will be needed to enter venues

Около 150 отдельных мероприятий было организовано в крупных городах и поселках после того, как правительство использовало чрезвычайные полномочия для введения новых мер против коронавируса.

CRS riot police charge demonstrators on the sidelines of a demonstration as part of a day of protest against French legislation

К началу дня в субботу против агрессивных групп в Париже применялись слезоточивый газ и дубинки.

Четыре марша спустились на площадь Бастилии, где их ждали водометы и отряды жандармов и ОМОНа CRS.

Некоторые марши незаконны, и к ним присоединяются анархистские группы, которые не имеют прямого отношения к протесту", - сказал один из офицеров на месте событий.

A protester wearing a yellow vest during clashes with anti-riot police as part of a demonstration against the COVID-19 health pass which grants vaccinated individuals greater ease of access to venues in France

Более 160 000 человек вышли на марш в Париже и других крупных городах в знак протеста против вакцинации президента Эммануэля Макрона в прошлые выходные, и в эту субботу ожидается такое же количество.

A demonstrator holds a banner reading "it is our choice" during a national day of protest against the compulsory Covid-19 vaccination for certain workers and the compulsory use of the health pass called for by the French government in Paris
Это наш выбор!

Многие из этих протестов были организованы так называемыми "Желтыми жилетами" (Gilets Jaunes), или антиправительственным движением.

French anti-riot forces stand guard in front of the 'Moulin Rouge' venue during a demonstration against the COVID-19 health pass

Названные так по их отличительным флуоресцентным курткам, они были инициаторами ряда беспорядков в таких городах, как Париж, в последние три года.

A protester wearing a jersey reading 'No to Pass' faces anti-riot police forces during a demonstration against the COVID-19 health pass
На майке: Нет паспортам!

Согласно опросам, решение г-на Макрона, принятое три недели назад, преодолеть нерешительность миллионов французов и заставить их сделать прививку, поддерживают до 65% населения.

Demonstrators clash with anti-criminality police brigades at a demonstration against French legislation making a Covid-19 health pass compulsory to visit a cafe, board a plane or travel on an inter-city train, in Paris

An emergency bill imposing the health pass for access to cafes, restaurants, shopping centres, trains and long-distance buses was passed by parliament and will come into effect on Monday. Pictured: Protestors gather in Paris on Saturday

CRS riot police are enveloped by a cloud of teargas as they face demonstrators during a national day of protest against the compulsory Covid-19 vaccination for certain workers

Protesters hold a poster reading 'Health workers in anger, No to mandatory Vaccine' during a demonstration against the Covid-19 health pass

An injured protestor is attended to by a mobile first aid unit during a demonstration in Paris on Saturday as demonstrators gathered in several cities to protest against the Covid-19 pass

Anti-vaxxers, joined by the anti-government 'yellow vest' movement, are demonstrating across France for the third consecutive week in objection to the Covid-19 health pass. Pictured: Protesters in Paris on Saturday

Нет паспортам, нет вакцине!

Да не будет им ничто прощено
Ибо знают
Что творят.

A protester holds a poster reading 'Freedom' during a demonstration against the COVID-19 health pass in Paris on Saturday

Demonstrators gather at Villiers metro station, northwest Paris, during a national day of protest against the compulsory Covid-19 vaccination for certain workers and the compulsory use of the health pass called for by the French government

Demonstrators hold up banners and placards, one of which reads as 'The 4th wave is us', during a national day of protest

4-я волна - это мы.

Riot mobile gendarmes shoot with a cougar grenade launcher as a protester waves a French flag with the cross of Lorraine during the national day of protest on Saturday

A protestor kicks a smoking teargas shell during a demonstration as part of a national day of protest against new French Covid-19 legislation

Police arrest a man during clashes at the end of a demonstration part of a national day of protest against French legislation making a Covid-19 health pass compulsory to visit certain venues and also making jabs compulsory for healthcare workers

Four separate protests were being held Saturday in Paris (pictured), with 'liberty' the slogan of the day and marches were also called in other cities around France

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Tags: Коронавирус, Париж, Франция

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